For over 40 years, we’ve been spreading the culture of Heat Transfer Vinyl around the world. This Facebook page has been created for our community. Here you can meet other fans, share your questions, suggestions, opinions, creations and conversations about Siser.

Applying our materials is always an experience which deserves a respectful and relaxed atmosphere. We want to reflect the same kind of mood on FB. That’s why we have our own fan page administrator, whose task is to moderate the page content and conversations, according to a few rules:


The aim of this fan page is to bring together the community of Siser. Any posts with a genuine connection to this topic are always welcome.

Spam, good luck chains, contents that do not respect privacy, offensive, irrelevant and inappropriate comments/posts will always be considered Off topic, since they do not contribute to the page in a positive way and do not respect our idea of community.


So please: be fair, be polite, be sensitive, be legal, be respectful of people’s privacy, and be aware of Facebook Terms & Conditions.

Any post/comment which does not conform to these rules may be removed and, in extreme cases, may lead to the exclusion of the user from the page and to the notification to facebook.